ARIADNE is an FP7 funded project. For Glamorgan, Doug Tudhope is PI and Ceri Binding and Andreas Vlachidis are Research Fellows on the project. Glamorgan leads WP15 on Linking Archaeological Data.


ARIADNE (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe) is a 4 year project starting February 2013 funded by the EU (eu 205,000 to Glamorgan). It is an EU FP7 Infrastructures project involving 24 partners. 

Currently there is wide availability of archaeological digital datasets from different periods, domains and regions. However, their potential is constrained by difficulties in access and non-homogenous perspectives. 


ARIADNE aims to integrate the existing archaeological research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets. Ariadne will enable trans-national access of researchers to data centres, tools and guidance, and the creation of new Web-based services based on common interfaces to data repositories, availability of reference datasets and usage of innovative technologies. It will stimulate new research avenues in the field of archaeology, relying on the comparison, re-use and integration into current research of the outcomes of past and on-going field and laboratory activity. 

Glamorgan’s contribution will build on the outcomes of the AHRC funded STAR and STELLAR and SENESCHAL projects. This will involve Linked Data and Web Service work, together with Natural Language Processing to enhance access to archaeological grey literature. The partners include most existing European national services, and partners in other countries who hope to develop their own infrastructures.

The ARIADNE website has further information.

Major Project Publications

A study of semantic integration across archaeological data and reports in different languages (author version)

Binding, C., Tudhope, D. & Vlachidis, A. 31 Jul 2018 In : Journal of Information Science. 23 p.


Enabling European Archaeological Research: The ARIADNE E-Infrastructure (open access)

Aloia, N. , Binding, C., Cuy, S. , Doerr, M. , Fanini, B. , Felicetti, A. , Fihn, J. , Gavrilis, D. , Geser, G. , Hollander, H. , Meghini, C. , Niccolucci, F. , Nurra, F. , Papatheodorou, C. , Richards, J. , Ronzino, P. , Scopigno, R. , Theodoridou, M. , Tudhope, D. ,  Vlachidis, A., Wright H. 2017 Internet Archaeology. 43